MT-Quartz Satyaloka Crystals


Satyaloka Crystal – Healing Crystal – Crown Chakra – Metaphysical – Reiki Healing

Gems and crystals are great for altars, grids, terrariums, pocket stones, gifts, home decorating, mineral collections, grounding stones and more! They are also wonderful additions to meditation, reiki and chakra work.

Attuned to the white flame of pure consciousness, this exceedingly high-vibration” stone is spiritually enhanced by monks from Satyaloka, South India.  They infuse the stone, already containing energy from a sacred mountain, with spiritual light before sending it into the world.  This is a holy stone, imbued with the energies of one of the Earth’s relatively unknown sacred sites – the mountains surrounding the Satya Loka monastery.  It is felt that this area is the crown chakra of the Earth.

This stone is an excellent tool for facilitating a vibrational shift, whether at a personal or planetary level, and for bringing about profound, holistic spiritual healing. The stone resonates with the Crown chakra of the earth, opening and aligning the crown and higher crown chakras of the physical and subtle bodies. 

Each stone assists in the way that is right for its user. It may adjust or amplify energies, open channels and pathways at a soul, multi- or inter-dimensional level or bring about a profound shift of attitude. Satyaloka Quartz is a supportive companion for those who experience the loneliness of the spiritual path, reconnecting with the divine within everything and especially yourself.

The Satyaloka Crystal will be chosen at random from available stock.  Please note that this is a natural product, sometimes stones and crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.  Each stone is unique and beautiful, you should expect slight variations in color, texture, and size.  Crystal size ranges from 1 1/2″ to 3″ in size.  Crystals vary in weight, size, color and appearance.

Healing crystals are not a replacement for traditional medical treatment. 

Sourced in India



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